Computation of equilibrium values for states

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M.Ali Akhras
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:32 am

Computation of equilibrium values for states

Post by M.Ali Akhras » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:29 am

I would like to start my simulation from a mechanical equilibrium of the whole system. To do so, I need to compute the the equilibrium values for states to set them as initial values of the simulation.
I found this option in the FD setting documentation (<solve_for_equilibrium_for_auxiliary_states> true </solve_for_equilibrium_for_auxiliary_states>) that could be suitable to my inquiry which I think it calls computeEquilibriumForAuxiliaryStates function to solve the differential equations for the equilibrium (velocities and accelerations are zero).

I am not familiar how to use it within OpenSim and saving the output auxiliary states, could you please provide me further info about that?

Best regards