forcebalance and iamoeba

Automatic force field optimization. Given a force field and a set of reference data (e.g. energies and forces from QM calculations, experimental measurements), we tune the force field parameters such that it accurately reproduces the reference data.
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Lee-Ping Wang
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Re: forcebalance and iamoeba

Post by Lee-Ping Wang » Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:29 am

Hi Andrish,

I would perform the sampling simulations using the mutual AMOEBA water / ion models at room temperature, but also a slightly higher temperature (330K) to sample a broader conformational space. Also, I would run some sampling simulations with a range of ion vdW radii (-0.4 through +0.4 Angstrom) because parameterization requires sampling from the forbidden region. From each of these simulations, I would extract on the order of 10-100 snapshots for each of several cluster sizes (1 water, 6 waters, 18 waters) and run QM calculations on them.

You should try interaction energy calculations because this would not contaminate the objective function with the errors in the water model. Another option is to do gradient calculations but only for fitting the force vector on the ion.

I'm inclined to go with the first option, and you can do these calculations in Psi4 which is an open-source quantum chemistry package with good facilities for interaction energies. I have some code for parsing Psi4 output which I can include as part of ForceBalance for you to use.

My guess is they should all be different targets with equal weight, because if you include the repulsive targets with everything else, they might dominate the objective function without you knowing.

Later on, you can reduce the weights for the repulsive targets in order to improve agreement for the attractive region. After all, it doesn't have to be so accurate in the highly repulsive region, it just needs to be repulsive. :)


- Lee-Ping

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Andrish Reddy
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Re: forcebalance and iamoeba

Post by Andrish Reddy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:03 am

Hi Lee-Ping,

I was able to reproduce your diffusion values for iamoeba using the method you described. I wanted to clarify some things about the QM calculations:

1. For the range of ion vdW radii (-0.4 through +0.4) do you mean just offsetting the sigma value for the ion vdW in the amoeba ff to (sigma-0.4, sigma-0.3 ... sigma+0.3, sigma+0.4)?
2. Does the choice of ensemble matter for the amoeba snapshots? I was considering NVE.
3. As far as doing interaction energy calculations, the manual says: "High-performance interaction energies - intended for the same two fragments in many conformations. Enabled in GROMACS." So how would I do this with iamoeba-openmm?
4. To calculate the QM interaction energy for a given cluster/snapshot, I would have to do 3 calculations: E_interaction = E_AB,bAB - E_A,bAB - E_B,bAB,
E_AB,bAB - E of AB complex in AB basis set
E_A,bAB - E of monomer A in AB basis set
E_B,bAB - E of monomer B in AB basis set
Is this correct?


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Lee-Ping Wang
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Re: forcebalance and iamoeba

Post by Lee-Ping Wang » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:20 am

Hi Andrish,

1) Yes, that's what I meant.

2) I believe NVT is best. I would also go with several different temperatures (273, 298, 323, and 373 K).

3) I think this is implemented in OpenMM as well, actually. Can you refer me to the right place in the documentation so I can change it? :mrgreen:

4) Yes, that is correct.

- Lee-Ping

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Andrish Reddy
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Re: forcebalance and iamoeba

Post by Andrish Reddy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:32 am

Hi Lee-Ping,

I was using the documentation for FB ver 1.3. The part about interaction energies is under section 3.3 "setting up the targets" on page 10.

Thanks for your help!
