Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

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Kailong Mao
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Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Kailong Mao » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:16 pm

Hi Friends:

I've been trying to implement a custom BUSSI thermostat in OpenMM as a Custom Force. Basically, what I'd like to do is to scale the velocities of all atoms in the system based on the current temperature. Is there a way to access/calculate the temperature (or the kinetic energy) of the system directly from a custom force class? Also, I found a CUDA implementation of the Andersen thermostat in I wonder if I can just modify this file to implement my own thermostat. How would you access/calculate the kinetic energy from within this file?

Thank you very much!

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Peter Eastman
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Peter Eastman » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:33 pm


Doing this with any of the custom force classes would be hard. None of them is really designed for this sort of thing.

I suspect you could do it pretty easily with a CustomIntegrator. Use it to implement whatever integration method you want, but add a section where it rescales the velocities. A CustomIntegrator can easily compute the kinetic energy:

Code: Select all

integrator.addComputeSum("ke", "m*v*v/2)
The other approach would be to write a plugin. You could then write a Force subclass that implements the calculation similar to the way AndersenThermostat does. If you think you might want to do that, you should start by reading the developer guide:


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Kailong Mao
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Kailong Mao » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:44 pm

Thank you very much Peter! I also wonder if creating and using my own CustomIntegrator will make my code a lot slower than using the original integrator with the Andersen thermostat implemented in CUDA. We hope to use our GPU's as much as possible.

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Peter Eastman
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Peter Eastman » Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:29 pm

No, it should have almost no effect at all on speed. A CustomIntegrator still does all its expensive calculations on the GPU. And even the "expensive" parts of integration are usually very cheap compared to computing forces.


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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Kailong Mao » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:35 pm

Thank you very much Peter! Also, to implement a custom barostat, would it be possible to change the box size using a Custom Integrator?

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Peter Eastman
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Peter Eastman » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:52 pm

No, CustomIntegrator doesn't have any way to change the box size. If you want to do that, you'll need a plugin.


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Kailong Mao
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Kailong Mao » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:23 am

Thank you! One last question: Based on what I read from the documentation, I can access individual forces f0, f1, f2,... etc from within CustomIntegrator. But I can't find what these forces are (harmonic bond forces? Coulomb interaction? van der Waals interaction?). Is there documentation somewhere that gives me this information? How do I know how many fx's there are in total? I assume that f = f0 + f1 + f2 + ...fn. Or can I only access some forces, but not all of them that together make up f.

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Peter Eastman
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Peter Eastman » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:23 pm

The numbers indicate force groups. By default everything is in group 0, but you can call setForceGroup() on any Force object to assign it to a different group. NonbondedForce also has a setReciprocalSpaceForceGroup() method, if you want to put the direct space and reciprocal space calculations into different groups. The most common reason for doing this with a CustomIntegrator is to implement multiple time step algorithms, where some forces are computed more often than others.


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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Kailong Mao » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:33 pm

Thanks a lot! I wrote the code for a CustomIntegrator and found out it works correctly on the "Reference" platform but not on "CUDA". The problem is that after I update one variable, for example, the kinetic energy, and want to update the temperature using the kinetic energy I just calculated, the code would still use the default kinetic energy I set when I added the global variable.

Here is how I add the variables to CustomIntegrator:

Code: Select all

        self.integrator.addGlobalVariable("ke", 0.1)
        self.integrator.addGlobalVariable("temp", 220.0)
Here is how I add the computations (I removed all the irrelevant steps):

Code: Select all

        self.integrator.addComputeSum("ke", "m*v*v/2.0")
        self.integrator.addComputeGlobal("temp", "2.0*ke/(df *gasconst)")
Every 10 steps, I make the integrator print out all the global variables with the following code:

Code: Select all

    totalVariables = self.integrator.getNumGlobalVariables();
    for i in range(totalVariables):
            name = self.integrator.getGlobalVariableName(i)
            value = self.integrator.getGlobalVariable(i)
            print(str(name) + " -> " + str(value))
So, I would assume that "ke" is calculated before "temp".

Using the reference platform, here is what I got after 20 steps. (I deleted all the irrelevant info)

Code: Select all

ke -> 20705.7288735
temp -> 187.277879616
ke -> 22046.7747921
temp -> 199.407287745
Using CUDA, this is what I got:

Code: Select all

ke -> 17099.9335938
temp -> 0.000904473736524
ke -> 16971.2304688
temp -> 0.000904473736524
So, the default value of "ke" is set to 0.1. It seems that it never gets updated (using CUDA). I wonder if there is a special update or sync step that I need to do after every computation if I want to use this code on CUDA?

By the way, here is how I set the platform:

Code: Select all

simulation = Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator, Platform.getPlatformByName("CUDA"))
Thanks a lot!

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Peter Eastman
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Re: Question about Custom Thermostat and Barostat

Post by Peter Eastman » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:29 pm

Could you post the full code for this? Or if it's too large you can email it to me. I'll try to reproduce it and figure out what's going on.
