static optimization for UE model

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Nithin Kurup
Posts: 149
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static optimization for UE model

Post by Nithin Kurup » Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:24 am


I am trying to perform static optimization on the upper extremity model by applying a constant reaction force ( measured from a hand held dynamometer) near to the wrist region. The goal is to find the muscle forces generated during an isometric test for elbow flexion. My doubt is since the joints / markers are almost stationary/static , will the static optimization give proper results ? Or is it mandatory that the model should produce some accelerations.

Looking forward to your reply.


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Dimitar Stanev
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Re: static optimization for UE model

Post by Dimitar Stanev » Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:50 am


If the model is motionless then a trivial solution to the muscle forces is the the one that equilibrates the forces that are acting on the system without the inertial term (since Mddq = 0). If you introduce an additional force at the wrist then the muscle forces must compensate for this.
