I have a model with ContactMesh, and when I run the Forward Dynamics the contact is ok, I mean the contact exist, without penetrattion between the both parts. But, when I run the Inverse Kinematics there is a penetration, it does not respect the ContactMesh.
The question is, the IK respect the limitation of the contactmesh? Or the IK just ignore the contact.
- Thomas Uchida
- Posts: 1802
- Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 11:40 am
Re: ContactMesh
IK does not compute dynamics so, in a sense, contact is ignored (though kinematic constraints are respected). The problem is not completely formulated at the kinematics stage. For example, suppose contact forces were present at the fingers during grasping. The algorithm doesn't know whether minimizing weighted marker errors will put the model in unrealistic situations (e.g., generating unreasonably large contact forces at the fingers or requiring unattainable muscle forces). Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may need to use a different model or simulation strategy.