Ah, sorry, I forgot that Time was included in the array of column labels.I checked the stateStorage.getColumnLabels. Since this labels start by "time" and name of state variables follows. Therefore, getitem(k) can work in this case.
addController made error in calling Manager
- Thomas Uchida
- Posts: 1804
- Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 11:40 am
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
- Hide Kimpara
- Posts: 135
- Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:12 am
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
Hello Christopher,
I checked the simulation performance line by line.
When I call Manager() in C++ or MATLAB with OpenSim 3.3, I have never called secondary "initSystem". Why do we need to call it with OpenSim 4.0?
If we need 'InitSystem' before calling Manager(), can we call them in the beginning or earlier than any modification or updating variables?
my current MATLAB codes are attached below.
Thank you,
I checked the simulation performance line by line.
I realized the call 'osimModel.initSystem();' made all state variables back to defaults. Even I updated state variables using osimModel.updCoordinateSet, initSystem changed them back to defaults defined in preexisting osim file.chrisdembia wrote:You must call `initSystem()` before constructing the Manager:
Code: Select all
osimModel.initSystem(); simulationManager = Manager(osimModel);
When I call Manager() in C++ or MATLAB with OpenSim 3.3, I have never called secondary "initSystem". Why do we need to call it with OpenSim 4.0?
If we need 'InitSystem' before calling Manager(), can we call them in the beginning or earlier than any modification or updating variables?
my current MATLAB codes are attached below.
Thank you,
Code: Select all
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% main_YYYYMMDD.m
% Author: Hideyuki Kimpara, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
% This code uses the Matlab interface to the OpenSim API to run a trial
% to connect simulink simulator and OpenSim analysis.
% This example borrows from other Matlab and C++ examples avaiable from
% the OpenSim project written by several people including, but not limited
% to: Brian Umberger and OpenSim team members at Stanford University.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Node and timing information
System_StartTim = 0.00;
System_End_Time = 000.30;
System_Frequency = fix(1000.);
kp = 10;
kv = 1;
if System_Frequency < 1
System_Frequency = 1.;
System_timestep = 1./System_Frequency;
System_Num_step = fix((System_End_Time-System_StartTim)*System_Frequency);
% Import the OpenSim modeling classes
import org.opensim.modeling.*
% Create an OpenSim model from an OSIM file
Model_In = ['TwoLinkArmModel.osim'];
osimModel = Model(Model_In);
output_Dir = 'Result';
% Prepare temporary export model file for debug
fileoutpath = [Model_In(1:end-5),'_Monitor_01.osim'];
% Add Analyses to the model: ForceReporter and BodyKinematics
aActuation = Actuation(osimModel);
aBodyKinematics = BodyKinematics(osimModel);
aForceReporter = ForceReporter(osimModel);
aJointReaction = JointReaction(osimModel);
aKinematics = Kinematics(osimModel);
aStatesReporter = StatesReporter(osimModel);
% Initialize the model (build the system and intialize the state)
osimState = osimModel.initSystem();
% Get the number of states from the model;
% in this case the number of controls equals the number of muscles
Num_Cent_Cnt = 2;
CentStruct = struct();
CentStruct.Number = Num_Cent_Cnt;
CentStruct.Cent_val_name = cell(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.Cent_cor_name = cell(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.Cent_act_name = cell(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.ValAd = zeros(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.Q_des = zeros(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.U_des = zeros(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.Q_ini = zeros(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.U_ini = zeros(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.ContV = zeros(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.kp = kp * ones(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.kv = kv * ones(1, Num_Cent_Cnt);
CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,1) = cell({'joint_1'});
CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,2) = cell({'joint_2'});
CentStruct.Cent_act_name(1,1) = cell({'joint_1_actuator'});
CentStruct.Cent_act_name(1,2) = cell({'joint_2_actuator'});
CentStruct.Q_des(1,1) = 80. * pi / 180.;
CentStruct.U_des(1,1) = 0.0 * pi / 180.;
CentStruct.Q_des(1,2) = -80. * pi / 180.;
CentStruct.U_des(1,2) = 0.0 * pi / 180.;
Control_Func.time = zeros(1, System_Num_step*2+1);
Control_Func.data = zeros(Num_Cent_Cnt, System_Num_step*2+1);
Control_Func.name = CentStruct.Cent_act_name;
Control_Func.time(1) = System_StartTim;
for i=1:System_Num_step
Control_Func.time(i*2) = System_StartTim + System_timestep * (i-1) + System_timestep*0.01;
Control_Func.time(i*2+1) = System_StartTim + System_timestep * (i);
for i=1:Num_Cent_Cnt
Coord = osimModel.getCoordinateSet().get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,i));
CentStruct.Q_ini(1,i) = Coord.getValue(osimState);
CentStruct.U_ini(1,i) = Coord.getSpeedValue(osimState);
Coord.setValue(osimState, 0.0);
Coord.setSpeedValue(osimState, 0.0);
% If I need to change initial joint angles, input values here.
CentStruct.Q_ini(1,1) = 90. * pi / 180.;
CentStruct.Q_ini(1,2) = 60. * pi / 180.;
% Solve difference of variable orders between osimModel and osimState.
for i=1:Num_Cent_Cnt
Coord = osimModel.getCoordinateSet().get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,i));
Coord.setValue(osimState, 1.);
Coord.setSpeedValue(osimState, -8888.8);
tempQ = osimState.getQ;
tempU = osimState.getU;
for j=1:size(tempQ)
if tempU.get(j-1) == -8888.8
CentStruct.ValAd(1,i) = j;
Coord.setValue(osimState, 0.0);
Coord.setSpeedValue(osimState, 0.0);
% Return initial state variables into osimModel.
for i=1:Num_Cent_Cnt
Coord = osimModel.getCoordinateSet().get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,i));
Coord.setValue ( osimState, CentStruct.Q_ini(1,i) );
Coord.setSpeedValue ( osimState, CentStruct.U_ini(1,i) );
%# Set the initial states of the model
editableCoordSet = osimModel.updCoordinateSet();
% Arrange the initial guess by nodes and states
for i=1:Num_Cent_Cnt
editableCoordSet.get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,i)).setValue(osimState, CentStruct.Q_ini(1,i));
editableCoordSet.get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,i)).setSpeedValue(osimState, CentStruct.U_ini(1,i));
JointSet = osimModel.getJointSet();
CoordSet = osimModel.getCoordinateSet();
StateValNames = osimModel.getStateVariableNames();
InitStruct = struct();
InitStruct.JointSet = cell(JointSet.getSize,1);
InitStruct.CoordSet = cell(CoordSet.getSize,1);
InitStruct.StateLabl = cell(StateValNames.getSize,1);
InitStruct.StateVals = zeros(StateValNames.getSize,1);
for i = 1:StateValNames.getSize
InitStruct.StateLabl(i,1) = cell(StateValNames.getitem(i-1));
SpString = split(InitStruct.StateLabl(i,1),'/');
JointName = char(SpString(1));
CoordName = char(SpString(2));
ValueName = char(SpString(3));
Coord = osimModel.getCoordinateSet().get(CoordName);
if strcmp(ValueName, 'value')
InitStruct.StateVals(i,1) = Coord.getValue(osimState);
InitStruct.StateVals(i,1) = Coord.getSpeedValue(osimState);
for i = 1:CoordSet.getSize
InitStruct.CoordSet(i,1) = cell(CoordSet.get(i-1));
for i = 1:JointSet.getSize
InitStruct.JointSet(i,1) = cell(JointSet.get(i-1));
% Parameters to be passed in to the forward function
params.model = osimModel;
params.state = osimState;
params.CentSt = CentStruct;
params.Control = Control_Func;
stateStorage = aStatesReporter.getStatesStorage();
% start a timer
for i = 1:System_Num_step
time_start = System_StartTim + System_timestep * (i-1);
time_end = System_StartTim + System_timestep * (i);
disp(['Cycle [' int2str(i) ']/[' int2str(System_Num_step) '] : Calculating from ' num2str(time_start) ' to ' num2str(time_end)]);
% Use last state variables for next step initial states
AA = stateStorage.getColumnLabels;
AB = stateStorage.getLastStateVector().getData;
for k=1:AB.getSize
for j = 1:size(InitStruct.StateLabl,1)
if (strcmp(InitStruct.StateLabl(j),AA.getitem(k)))
InitStruct.StateVals(j) = AB.getitem(k-1);
disp(['state val [' num2str(AB.get(0)/pi*180.) '], [' num2str(AB.get(2)/pi*180.) '] ' ]);
clear AA AB;
% stop the timer
runtime = toc;
disp(['The runtime was ' num2str(runtime)]);
% Write out storage files containing the states and excitations
if isdir (output_Dir) == 0
mkdir (output_Dir);
outputpath = ['.\' char(output_Dir) '\']; % use current directory
bufferstamp = char(datetime,'yy_MM_dd-HH_mm');
% Also write out the results of the analyses to storage files
% Reset the analyses so everything starts fresh for the next
% call to this function
Code: Select all
function ForwardOsimFunction_171026(time_start,time_end,ExtraPar,InitStruct)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% ForwardOsimFunction_YYMMDD.m
% Author: Hideyuki Kimpara, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
% This code uses the Matlab interface to the OpenSim API to run a trial
% to connect simulink simulator and OpenSim analysis.
% This example borrows from other Matlab and C++ examples avaiable from
% the OpenSim project written by several people including, but not limited
% to: Brian Umberger and OpenSim team members at Stanford University.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Import the OpenSim modeling classes
import org.opensim.modeling.*
% Get reference to the model
osimModel = ExtraPar.model;
% s = ExtraPar.state;
CentStruct = ExtraPar.CentSt;
Control_Func = ExtraPar.Control;
% Check to see if model state is initialized by checking size
if(osimModel.getWorkingState().getNY() == 0)
s = osimModel.initSystem();
s = osimModel.updWorkingState();
%# Set the initial states of the model
editableCoordSet = osimModel.updCoordinateSet();
% Arrange the initial guess by nodes and states
for ii = 1:size(InitStruct.StateVals,1)
VariableName = char(InitStruct.StateLabl(ii));
SpString = split(InitStruct.StateLabl(ii),'/');
JointName = char(SpString(1));
CoordName = char(SpString(2));
ValueName = char(SpString(3));
if strcmp(ValueName,'speed')
editableCoordSet.get(CoordName).setSpeedValue(s, InitStruct.StateVals(ii));
editableCoordSet.get(CoordName).setValue(s, InitStruct.StateVals(ii));
clear editableCoordSet temp_str str_addr;
% for ii=1:CentStruct.Number
% end
joint_1 = osimModel.getCoordinateSet().get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,1));
joint_2 = osimModel.getCoordinateSet().get(CentStruct.Cent_cor_name(1,2));
q1 = joint_1.getValue(s);
dq1 = joint_1.getSpeedValue(s);
q2 = joint_2.getValue(s);
dq2 = joint_2.getSpeedValue(s);
q1_des = CentStruct.Q_des(1,1);
dq1_des = CentStruct.U_des(1,1);
q2_des = CentStruct.Q_des(1,2);
dq2_des = CentStruct.U_des(1,2);
disp(['joint1 vl: [' num2str(q1/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(q1_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint1 sp: [' num2str(dq1/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(dq1_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint2 vl: [' num2str(q2/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(q2_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint2 sp: [' num2str(dq2/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(dq2_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
% controlLaw = Vector( 2, 0.0 );
q = zeros(1,2); % q = Vector( 2, 0.0 );
q(1) = q1; q(2) = q2; % q.set(0, q1); q.set(1, q2);
dq = zeros(1,2); % dq = Vector( 2, 0.0 );
dq(1) = dq1; dq(2) = dq2; % dq.set(0, dq1); dq.set(1, dq2);
q_des = zeros(1,2); % q_des = Vector( 2, 0.0 );
q_des(1) = q1_des; q_des(2) = q2_des; % q_des.set(0, q1_des); q_des.set(1, q2_des);
dq_des = zeros(1,2); % dq_des = Vector( 2, 0.0 );
dq_des(1) = dq1_des; dq_des(2) = dq2_des; % dq_des.set(0, dq1_des); dq_des.set(1, dq2_des);
KP = diag(CentStruct.kp(1,1:2));
KV = diag(CentStruct.kv(1,1:2)); % KP = Matrix( 2, 2, 0.0 ); KV = Matrix( 2, 2, 0.0 );
% KP.set( 0, 0, kp ); KP.set( 1, 1, kp );
% KV.set( 0, 0, kv ); KV.set( 1, 1, kv );
controlLaw = zeros(1,CentStruct.Number);
controlLaw = (-1. * KP*(q - q_des)' - KV*(dq - dq_des)')';
controlLaw_Full = zeros(1,s.getNU);
controlLaw_Vector = Vector(s.getNU(), 0.0);
for ii=1:CentStruct.Number
controlLaw_Full(1,CentStruct.ValAd(1,ii)) = controlLaw(1,ii);
controlLaw_Vector.set(CentStruct.ValAd(1,ii)-1, controlLaw(1,ii));
smss = osimModel.getMatterSubsystem();
% Calculate MUDot = M * Udot
MUDot = Vector();
smss.multiplyByM(s, controlLaw_Vector, MUDot);
M = Matrix(s.getNU(),s.getNU());
M_array = osimMatrixToArray(M);
MUDot_array = (M_array * controlLaw_Full')';
% Calculate G_vector (Gravity force vector)
G_vector = Vector(s.getNU(),0.0);
GrvForce = osimModel.getGravityForce();
% % ****[ POINT 1 ]****
% % ** This method is not wrapped for MATLAB **
% % G_vector = GrvForce.getBodyForces(s);
% Calculate Cq_vector (Velocity vector)
Cq_vector = Vector();
knownUdot = Vector(s.getNU(), 0.0);
appliedMobilityForces = Vector();
appliedBodyForces = VectorOfSpatialVec();
smss.calcResidualForceIgnoringConstraints(s, appliedMobilityForces, appliedBodyForces, ...
knownUdot, Cq_vector);
% Test SimbodyMatterSubsystem.calcResidualForce().
% ------------------------------------------------
% For the given inputs, we will actually be computing the first column
% of the mass matrix. We accomplish this by setting all inputs to 0
% except for the acceleration of the first coordinate.
% f_residual = M udot + f_inertial + f_applied
% = M ~[1, 0, ...] + 0 + 0
knownLambda = Vector();
residualMobilityForces = Vector();
smss.calcResidualForce(s, Cq_vector, appliedBodyForces, ...
controlLaw_Vector, knownLambda, residualMobilityForces);
% Calculate Joint torques
controlTorque = Vector();
G_array = osimVectorToArray(G_vector);
Cq_array = osimVectorToArray(Cq_vector);
assert (size(MUDot_array,2) == size(Cq_array,2));
controlTorque_array = MUDot_array + Cq_array - G_array;
controlTorque = osimVectorFromArray(controlTorque_array);
disp(['controlTorque: [' num2str(controlTorque_array) ']' ]);
for jj=1:CentStruct.Number
CentStruct.ContV(jj) = controlTorque.get(CentStruct.ValAd(1,jj)-1);
assert(controlTorque.size() == s.getNU());
for ii=1:size(Control_Func.time,2)
if Control_Func.time(ii)>time_start && Control_Func.time(ii)<=time_end
for jj=1:CentStruct.Number
assert(strcmp (Control_Func.name(jj), CentStruct.Cent_act_name(jj)));
Control_Func.data(jj, ii) = CentStruct.ContV(jj);
% Delete old ControllerSet from the model
N_olderCont = osimModel.getControllerSet().getSize();
for ii = 1: N_olderCont
olderController = osimModel.getControllerSet().get(ii-1);
clear olderController
clear N_olderCont
q1m = joint_1.getValue(s);
dq1m = joint_1.getSpeedValue(s);
q2m = joint_2.getValue(s);
dq2m = joint_2.getSpeedValue(s);
disp(['Check Point A']);
disp(['\njoint1 vl: [' num2str(q1m/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(q1_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint1 sp: [' num2str(dq1m/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(dq1_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint2 vl: [' num2str(q2m/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(q2_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint2 sp: [' num2str(dq2m/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(dq2_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
% Define a controller and add it to the model
ActuatorController = PrescribedController();
ActuatorController.setName('PiecewiseLinear Controller')
% get actuator set from model, and count the number of actuators
model_act = osimModel.getActuators();
Nacts = model_act.getSize();
for ii = 1:Nacts
PLF = PiecewiseLinearFunction();
% Get the coordinate set from the model
CurrentActs = model_act.get(ii-1);
for jj = 1:size(Control_Func.name,2)
if strcmp(CurrentActs.getName(), Control_Func.name(jj))
for kk=1:size(Control_Func.time,2)
clear PLF CurrentActs model_act Nacts;
% % ****[ POINT 2 ]****
% % Add controller to osimModel
clear muscleController;
% % Save the Modified Model to a file
% fileoutpath = ['Monitor_Model.osim'];
% osimModel.print(fileoutpath);
% disp(['The new model has been saved at ' fileoutpath]);
% %
% % ****[ POINT 3 ]****
% % Call the function that runs the simulation
% osimModel.setPropertiesFromState(s);
% osimModel.equilibrateMuscles(s);
% Create a manager to run the simulation
simulationManager = Manager(osimModel);
q1 = joint_1.getValue(s);
dq1 = joint_1.getSpeedValue(s);
q2 = joint_2.getValue(s);
dq2 = joint_2.getSpeedValue(s);
q1_des = CentStruct.Q_des(1,1);
dq1_des = CentStruct.U_des(1,1);
q2_des = CentStruct.Q_des(1,2);
dq2_des = CentStruct.U_des(1,2);
disp(['2\njoint1 vl: [' num2str(q1/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(q1_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint1 sp: [' num2str(dq1/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(dq1_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint2 vl: [' num2str(q2/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(q2_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
disp(['joint2 sp: [' num2str(dq2/pi*180.) ']/desired[' num2str(dq2_des/pi*180.) '] ']);
clear simulationManager;
- Thomas Uchida
- Posts: 1804
- Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 11:40 am
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
You need to call initSystem() in ForwardOsimFunction_171026.m on line 247 (i.e., before constructing the Manager) because you have modified the model above (e.g., osimModel.addController(ActuatorController); on line 227). Modifying the model (by adding components, modifying properties, etc.) invalidates the underlying computational system because the model is now governed by a different system of equations. Calling initSystem() builds a fresh computational system. You should build the model, call initSystem(), and then initialize the states in the system. The same workflow applies to 3.3.When I call Manager() in C++ or MATLAB with OpenSim 3.3, I have never called secondary "initSystem". Why do we need to call it with OpenSim 4.0?
- Hideyuki Kimpara
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:59 pm
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your comments. But after the initSystem(), the state variables such as joint_1.getValue(s) has been changed to default as defined on Osim file.
When we wish to execute Manager with updated controller with updated state variables, what modification is necessary?
Thank you,
Thank you for your comments. But after the initSystem(), the state variables such as joint_1.getValue(s) has been changed to default as defined on Osim file.
When we wish to execute Manager with updated controller with updated state variables, what modification is necessary?
Thank you,
- Thomas Uchida
- Posts: 1804
- Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 11:40 am
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
You can either set the value of joint_1 after calling initSystem(), or you could change the default value of the coordinate.But after the initSystem(), the state variables such as joint_1.getValue(s) has been changed to default as defined on Osim file. When we wish to execute Manager with updated controller with updated state variables, what modification is necessary?
- Hide Kimpara
- Posts: 135
- Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:12 am
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
Dear Tom,
Your suggestion made getting a solution for me. I set state variables after calling initSystem, then my feedback control system is working.
In previous cases, I used (setPropertiesFromState) instead of calling initSystem(). I assume (setPropertiesFromState) made similar roll what initSystem() is doing.
Current my understanding is initSystem() is required when I add something to osimModel. But exchanging state variables does not cause any necessary.
Again, thank you so much for your suggestion!
Best regards,
Your suggestion made getting a solution for me. I set state variables after calling initSystem, then my feedback control system is working.
In previous cases, I used (setPropertiesFromState) instead of calling initSystem(). I assume (setPropertiesFromState) made similar roll what initSystem() is doing.
Current my understanding is initSystem() is required when I add something to osimModel. But exchanging state variables does not cause any necessary.
Again, thank you so much for your suggestion!
Best regards,
- Thomas Uchida
- Posts: 1804
- Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 11:40 am
Re: addController made error in calling Manager
Great that you got it working. You may want to check out the draft of the API documentation here: https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu/d ... 507&api=v2 (from the "Developer's Workshop 2016" page in the Confluence documentation, here: https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu/d ... kshop+2016).