Potential Energy of Ligament

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Rahul Agrawal
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:16 pm

Potential Energy of Ligament

Post by Rahul Agrawal » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:16 am

Hello All,

Is there any possible way to get potential energy of the ligament while using forward dynamic tool?

Thank you!



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Dimitar Stanev
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Re: Potential Energy of Ligament

Post by Dimitar Stanev » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:52 am

The calculation is not implemented for this ligament model. You may try to change the definition of the ligament and implement this yourself.


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Rahul Agrawal
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:16 pm

Re: Potential Energy of Ligament

Post by Rahul Agrawal » Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:02 am

Thank you for your response.

I know I can customize the ligament, but I don't know what input function (xml) are required in the model to get potential energy (P.E.) from FD tool.

Something like below will work?

<!--Flag indicating whether the Probe is disabled or not.-->
<!--The operation to perform on the probe input value: 'value'(no operation, just return the probe value), 'integrate', 'differentiate', 'minimum', 'minabs', 'maximum', 'maxabs'.-->
<!--Array of initial conditions to be specified if the 'integrate' operation is selected. Note that the size of initial conditions must be the same size as the data being integrated, otherwise an exception will be thrown.-->
<!--Constant gain to scale the probe output by.-->
<!--Specify whether kinetic energy is to be included in the system energy computation (true/false).-->
<!--Specify whether potential energy is to be included in the system energy computation (true/false).-->
