I found the reason why the model's arm was in a distorted position! It was because the experimental data was rotated 180 degrees in the y-axis from the model. I followed the instructions from
Rotated the experimental data so that it conforms to the OpenSIM model, and then saved it.
However, when I tried scaling the model to the new rotated experimental data, the process is never complete and is paused at "Step 3: Placing markers on model." Below is what is written in the Messages. Is it because OpenSIM couldn't find the vtp files stated in the message? I'm confused because scaling process was complete even though the results weren't good when I used the unrotated experimental data.
Loaded marker file E:\MotionCapture\transformed_upperbody_static.trc (9 markers, 80 frames)
Loaded marker file E:\MotionCapture\transformed_upperbody_static.trc (9 markers, 80 frames)
Couldn't find file 'rclavicle.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rscapula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rhumerus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rulna.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rradius.vtp'.
Step 2: Scaling generic model
Couldn't find file 'rclavicle.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rscapula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rhumerus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rulna.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rradius.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rclavicle.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rscapula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rhumerus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rulna.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rradius.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rclavicle.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rscapula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rhumerus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rulna.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rradius.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rclavicle.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rscapula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rhumerus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rulna.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'rradius.vtp'.
Step 3: Placing markers on model