Newbie issue - Cannot open file... It may not exist or you do not have permission to read it

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Joseph Kopke
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Newbie issue - Cannot open file... It may not exist or you do not have permission to read it

Post by Joseph Kopke » Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:21 am

Hello all,

New user and new install. Windows 10, Matlab R2017a. I have OpenSim/bin in my environment path and the OpenSim models and code folder in my matlab path.

I get the correct output when I ask for the version and the code works when I run model=org.opensim.modeling.Model()

but if I try to run any code that tries to open .osim files, I get a Java exception error similar to below. This is true for any script for any model that I have including tugofwar.

What would be causing this and how do I fix it? Does it not recognize the name or is it not looking in the right place?

model.initSystem(); which crashes matlab.
Not sure if that is helpful.


Error using das3driver>das3driver_OpeningFcn (line 141)
Java exception occurred: Object: Cannot open file ../OpenSim_model/das3.osim. It
may not exist or you do not have permission to read it.
Thrown at object.cpp:105 in Object().

at org.opensim.modeling.opensimSimulationJNI.new_Model__SWIG_1(Native

at org.opensim.modeling.Model.<init>(


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Ayman Habib
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Re: Newbie issue - Cannot open file... It may not exist or you do not have permission to read it

Post by Ayman Habib » Fri Nov 22, 2019 10:05 am


The fact that the error message shows a relative path for the model file (starting with '../') suggests that your assumption about working directory is incorrect, please use a full (absolute) path instead or set working directory for Matlab accordingly.

Please let us know how that goes,

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Joseph Kopke
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:04 pm

Re: Newbie issue - Cannot open file... It may not exist or you do not have permission to read it

Post by Joseph Kopke » Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:16 pm

I did not realize that the osim files had to be in the current folder / working directory as opposed to just in the Matlab path. It is working now if I work out of the folder with the osim files.
