.trc file not opened

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Nayun Ahn
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.trc file not opened

Post by Nayun Ahn » Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:38 am


I tried to open the static.trc file through Preview Experimental Data on the File tab.

I found the similar issue with other persons and it seems the issue was related to changing the environmental variables.

I changed and added the path, but it kept showing me the window of " Couldn't load data and/or model for display.
Possible reasons: data file has incorrect format or resource file _openSimlab.osim missing."

Could you please help me how I solve with this issue?

Thank you,


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Ayman Habib
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Re: .trc file not opened

Post by Ayman Habib » Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:31 pm


This error message used to popup in version 3.3 when the environment variable OPENSIM_HOME was not set for a user or set incorrectly, you should never see it in version 4.0+ which do not use this setting anymore. Please clarify which version you're using. While we can try to help you resolve in version 3.3, we prefer you upgrade to 4.0+ so we can reproduce/troubleshoot in the currently maintained code base.

Best regards,

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Nayun Ahn
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Re: .trc file not opened

Post by Nayun Ahn » Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:55 pm


Thank you so much for your reply.

I was not able to solve the issue, so could I explain more with this and ask your help?

I downloaded 3.3 version originally, but after I saw your reply, I deleted 3.3 ver and related files, and re_installed 4.1 version to my laptop.

I installed same 4.1 version (window) to my friend's laptop and it worked well with the same .trc file.

I both checked environmental variables, and there weren't any settings with 4.1 version for both laptops (compared to the 3.3 ver).

When I tried to click File -> Preview Experimental Data -> . trc file, still I had the message of " Couldn't load data and/or model for display.
Possible reasons: data file has incorrect format or resource file _openSimlab.osim missing."

I exported .trc with version 4 with the vicon, so I think data file has the correct format.

In this case, could I ask your help what will I do for the next steps?

Thank you,

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Ayman Habib
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Re: .trc file not opened

Post by Ayman Habib » Mon Mar 02, 2020 11:17 am


If the file opens in both version 3.3 and 4.0+ on any machine then the file is fine and it's environment/machine specific issue. The message is incorrect in stating missing resource file as it is not in use any more, thanks for reporting, so the issue is with trying to open/parse the file but specific to your machine. Possible reasons:
- Permissions
- FilePath issues: Path is too long, has spaces/periods or non-ascii characters

Likely it's the second issue since copying the file may not change permissions but affects FilePath. Try to place the file in a folder near top level "C:/data/myfile.trc' and let us know what happens.

Best regards.

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Nayun Ahn
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Re: .trc file not opened

Post by Nayun Ahn » Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:24 pm


I tried the second way:
"- FilePath issues: Path is too long, has spaces/periods or non-ascii characters

Likely it's the second issue since copying the file may not change permissions but affects FilePath. Try to place the file in a folder near top level "C:/data/myfile.trc' and let us know what happens." and it worked well with my laptop after I save the .trc file over there.

I never thought about my filepath is too long to stop opensim working!, Thank you so much for helping me to solve this issue.

Best Regards.