Marker Diameter

Provide a comprehensive data set with associated models that will enable researchers to validate musculoskeletal model estimates of muscle and joint contact forces in the knee.
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kurt manal
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Marker Diameter

Post by kurt manal » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:40 am


I need an accurate measure of the subject's knee width. The markers over the condyles are a good start, but I also need to know the marker diameter. Can you also describe how the markers over the condyles were attached to the skin. Were they attached directly to the skin or were they mounted on a small post and then the post was attached to the skin? The value i am looking for is the distance from the centroid of the marker to the surface of the skin.

Thanks in advance,


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B.J. Fregly
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RE: Marker Diameter

Post by B.J. Fregly » Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:37 pm

Hi Kurt,

I am trying to get the marker diameter information from the gait lab that collected the data. If I am able to get a response, I will post the information in a subsequent message.

Markers were fixed directly to the skin without the use of any posts. So once you have the marker diameter, you should be able to estimate the intercondylar width of the femur reasonably well.


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B.J. Fregly
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RE: Marker Diameter

Post by B.J. Fregly » Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:15 am

Hi Kurt,

According the lab director where the data were collected, the marker diameter for these experiments was 1 cm.
