Hi Dave,
Thanks for the response. I want to have the mesh totally ready to be used by svPre without having to use the GUI
To give you an idea, I want to be able to go from mesh to the output of svPost without having to interact with the GUI. I have code written to process the svPost output using VTK, which does a series of things (manipulate geometry, replaces flow extensions, smooths, etc.) and want to send back to SV for solving again.
DICOM -> segmentation and surface generation w/ VMTK and VTK -> SV for svSolver +/- mesh generation -> VTK and VMTK for data manipulation -> SV for svSolver +/- mesh generation -> repeat VMTK/VTK, SV stuff until criteria met
Where I am running into trouble is figuring out how to make my VMTK output compatible with the svPre which I assumed was my natural point of entry. The issue is the structure of the DataArrays from the VMTK output which has a slightly different format than the output of the SV model/mesh utilities. My strategy was going to be to either use MMG to create the mesh and go from there until I found out about the SV Python API which I hoped would enable me to access the modelling and meshing capabilities from a python interface.
Is there some SV functionality that I am missing which would enable me to do this?