I have a pretty basic question about reserve actuators.
If I understood correctly, reserve actuators are added to a model when running simulations, for example, static optimization, in order to "help" the model achieve the desired motion even if the muscles are too weak to do it by themselves. That being said, when adding reserve actuators, they should act on the body as rarely as possible, to avoid getting incorrect simulation results.
My question is the following, in order to determine what optimal force to give to the reserve actuators, would it be a good strategy to give them the lowest possible value possible without the static optimization failing? That would mean running static optimization successively with "weaker" and "weaker" reserve actuators until the operation fails, and sticking with the smaller ones, or could there be a higher optimal force value that would yield more accurate results?
Also, the OpenSim documentation states:
(https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8 ... +residuals).Peak reserve actuator torques should typically be less than 10% of the peak joint torque. Peak residual forces should typically be less than 10-20 N; peak residual moments, less than 75 Nm (depending on the type of motion).
I hope my question is clear, thank you very much in advance!