Great that the simulation is working!
1) After converting results, I see the results such as pressures and flows are given for different segment names. But how do I identify which segment corresponds to which segment_name?
The outletface_groupid.dat file contains information about which group ID belongs to which face.
Code: Select all
$ cat outletface_groupid.dat
right_int_iliac GroupId 5
left_ext_iliac GroupId 12
left_int_iliac GroupId 16
right_ext_iliac GroupId 19
right_renal GroupId 22
IMA GroupId 23
SMA1 GroupId 24
SMA2 GroupId 26
hepatic GroupId 29
splenic GroupId 30
left_renal GroupId 31
L2_lumbar GroupId 34
L4_left_lumbar GroupId 35
L4_right_lumbar GroupId 36
L3_right_lumbar GroupId 37
L3_left_lumbar GroupId 39
2) To specify the start and stop time when converting results, what do you mean by time here? By time, does it refer to the time given by time=(no. of timesteps)* (time step size). So if I am running my simulation for 5 seconds= (5000 timesteps)*(0.001 step size), if I specify start as 4 and stop as 5, SV1d says 'time out of range'.
This appears to be a bug. I will open an Issue on it.
3) How many iterations do you recommend me to run for 1D simulations?
That depends on what you are trying to simulate I think. People typically run a simulation of a couple of cardiac cycles.
4) Why is it rigid wall 1D simulation option not available?
The 1D solver is based on a formulation for deformable walls. The idea was to reproduce wave propagation phenomenon in vascular networks. Increasing Eh/r will allow you to simulate rigid walls but increasing it too high will cause the 1D solver to fail.
5) What is the order of Eh/r value, generally? Will material model affect the results significantly?
Examples from the documentation for Eh/r values
MATERIAL MAT1 LINEAR 1.06 0.04 120000.0 1.0 7.1e4
MATERIAL MAT1 OLUFSEN 1.06 0.04 120000.0 1.0 2.0e7 -22.5267 8.65e5
Don't forget that units are in cgs.
The material model will indeed affect the results. Do a few simulations with different values and see what happens.