Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

The existing full-body-lumbar-spine (FBLS) model was adapted and validated for lifting motions to produce the lifting full-body (LFB) model to estimate spinal loads during lifting. The model was validated through comparisons with experimental electromyogr
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SimTK Admin
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Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by SimTK Admin » Wed Feb 20, 2019 3:18 pm

Welcome to the Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model public forum. Feel free to browse or search the topics for helpful information, or post a topic of your own.

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amir azadi
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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by amir azadi » Mon May 25, 2020 4:05 am

I want to obtain the compression force on l4-l5 joint in asymmetry and symmetry lifting task. LFB model seems to be suitable for my work but the SO-actuator file is not in the package.I need this file to run my simulation. can I ask you for this file?
Thanks a lot

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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by RANDHEER SINGH » Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:00 am

Can anyone help by providing the setup file of the LFB model for CMC.

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Melanie Hook
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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by Melanie Hook » Mon Jun 13, 2022 7:32 am

I am also in need of a CMC setup file for the LFB model for my research. Is it available? I attempted to create one manually but the simulation keeps failing and I am not sure why.Thank you so much!

Melanie Hook

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rong chen
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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by rong chen » Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:03 am

On the download webpage only a "LFB_model.osim" file, which failed to continue further study. I am in need of a full CMC setup file for the LFB model. Is it available? Can anyone help me, thank you so much! :D


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Preethi Manoharan
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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by Preethi Manoharan » Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:03 pm

Hello team,

I am also a researcher in simulating lifting task. Please help me with the actuator files and additional necessary files required for the simulation.

I am always having errors while running SO and the results aren't accurate.

Thank you,
Preethi Manoharan


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Neha Sahu
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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by Neha Sahu » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:29 am

i am using this model for my research topic but but it contain only model , can you please provide the other related simulation file.

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Eunsik Choi
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Re: Lifting Full-Body (LFB) Model Public Forum

Post by Eunsik Choi » Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:51 am

[Inquiry of Additional Files]

I am also a researcher in simulating lifting task. Please help me with additional necessary files required for the simulation (e.g., XML files of Scale-setup, Markerset, and SO/CMC actuator).

Thank you so much!

Eunsik Choi