How do age, height and weight in the scaling affect the IK results?

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Yanran Jiang
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How do age, height and weight in the scaling affect the IK results?

Post by Yanran Jiang » Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:07 pm


In the scaling step, we can specify the age, height, and weight in the setup file. I want to know how do these characteristics affect the Inverse Kinematic result in OpenSim? Will they affect? If I just simply change different age and weight of a human model but applying same experimental trajectory data collected from motion capture for scaling and IK, will it cause any different result?

Or the age and weight only have impact on muscle when doing CMC?

Last question, how should I generate different simulated models based on one subject's experimental motion capture data? Is it possible?



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Dimitar Stanev
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Re: How do age, height and weight in the scaling affect the IK results?

Post by Dimitar Stanev » Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:45 am


I think height and age are not used anywhere is the code base. Therefore, they do not have an impact on your simulation and modeling. Maybe they were intended for some future use. As for weight it is important because it is used to calculate the scaling factors for the weight of the scaled subject's links.