I have been trying to calibrate the ScapulothorachicJoint_Shoulder model with some IMU data I have but have been running into the following issue when trying to place the IMUs (myIMUPlacer) and generate the calibrated model:
I have tried running it using geometries from the MOBL_ARMS model, but I still get the same error minus the missing geometries. The most up-to-date ScapuloThoracic model utilizes a plugin and I'm not sure if this is where the issue lies or if there is an easy work around to it. The model is able to load in 4.1 with the plugin, while ignoring the missing geometries above (it only utilizes clavicle, groundspine, humerus, radius, scapula, thorax, and ulna). I have been unable to get an output calibrated model while trying to use the ScapuloThoracic model, but have had success using MOBL-Arms so the issue is very likely attributed to the .osim. I just am not sure how to solve the problem.Object::newInstanceOfType(): object type 'ScapulothoracicJoint' is not a registered Object!
Object type ScapulothoracicJoint not recognized
Loaded model ScapulothoracicJoint_Shoulder from file ScapulothorachicJoint_Shoulder.osim
Couldn't find file 'lunate.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'scaphoid.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'pisiform.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'triquetrum.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'capitate.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'trapezium.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'trapezoid.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'hamate.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '1mc.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '2mc.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '3mc.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '4mc.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '5mc.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'thumbprox.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'thumbdist.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '2proxph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '2midph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '2distph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '3proxph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '3midph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '3distph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '4proxph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '4midph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '4distph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '5proxph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '5midph.vtp'.
Couldn't find file '5distph.vtp'.
Heading correction computed to be -90.8604degs about ground Y
Body 'scapula' not connected by a Joint.
A FreeJoint will be added to connect it to ground.
Error using Model (line 6)
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.RuntimeException: CoordinateLimitForce: Invalid coordinate (scapula_upward_rot) specified in Actuator ScapulaRotationLimits
at org.opensim.modeling.opensimSimulationJNI.IMUPlacer_run__SWIG_0(Native Method)
at org.opensim.modeling.IMUPlacer.run(IMUPlacer.java:285)
Any help would be appreciated.
- Paul