I am loading a osimC3D object with marker and force data from a c3d-file within Matlab:
Code: Select all
osimc3d = osimC3D(fileName, 1);
markers = osimc3d.getTable_markers();
forces = osimc3d.getTable_forces();
I would now like to remove an offset from the marker positions (e.g. horizontal position of SACR marker at first time point).
But I cannot find an efficient way to manipulate the TimeSeriesTableVec3 and TimeSeriesTable properly using the API. Has somebody an advice for me? In detail, I am wondering how I can get data from a specific marker and how I can set data for a specific marker.
I would prefer to work with the TimeSeriesTableVec3 and TimeSeriesTable objects instead of converting them to structs since I want to write them later into .trc and .mot files. I am also aware of the function osimTableFromStruct(). But I still think that it would be nicer to directly manipulate the TimeSeriesTableVec3 and TimeSeriesTable objects.
Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,