I am running svsolver with mpiexec from a terminal in Ubuntu 20.04 on two separate machines (lab-wide server and personal workstation). It ran flawlessly on both machines about a month ago.
When I try to run svsolver with mpiexec on my workstation now, I get an error message "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key" for each process I try to spawn. The folder "8-procs_case" which is usually used to run the parallelisation is not created. Then each of the parallel processes seems to solve the same system, i.e. the computation is not properly parallelised.
I checked if the same code would properly run on the server which it did: the folder "8-procs_case" was created and the computation was parallelised. The server probably did not receive system-wide updates since November unlike my workstation which I update regularly.
I am aware that this might be rather an OpenMPI problem, but updating openmpi-bin did not help and I am clueless how to solve this.
Thanks in advance,
svsolver + mpiexec bug
- Julian Suk
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:42 am
Re: svsolver + mpiexec bug
I figured out what went wrong and am sharing my fix for anyone that might run into similar problems. It appears that a recent update in my Anaconda installation has installed mpiexec and made this version the default when operating from within the Anaconda environment.
The latest svSolver however, wants OpenMPI (or its synonym "orterun"):
So, running svSolver via
solved the problem.
Code: Select all
(base) $ which mpiexec
(base) $ readlink -f "/home/julian/anaconda3/bin/mpiexec"
Code: Select all
$ readlink -f "/usr/local/sv/svsolver/2021-09-30/bin/mpiexec"
Code: Select all
(base) $ /usr/bin/orterun -np 8 /usr/local/sv/svsolver/2021-09-30/svsolver
- David Parker
- Posts: 1758
- Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:43 pm
Re: svsolver + mpiexec bug
Hi Julian,
Thanks for sharing this fix!
Thanks for sharing this fix!