Simulation using a Stent

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Endel Ferraz da Rocha
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Simulation using a Stent

Post by Endel Ferraz da Rocha » Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:09 pm

Hello Is There some simulation example that was used some stent during the simulation?
And Have I this option on SimVascular to similate this kind of cases, that is some artery using a stent or by pass? Because the SimVascular had this posibilite to put two diffrent materials.

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David Parker
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Re: Simulation using a Stent

Post by David Parker » Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:20 am

There are currently no example simulations of a stent in an artery.

You can simulate the flow around a stent using the svSolver. You might could use the svSolver deformable wall functionality (CMM) with variable properties to approximate the stented vessel.

You can use svFSI to include the stent material in a simulation.


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Endel Ferraz da Rocha
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Re: Simulation using a Stent

Post by Endel Ferraz da Rocha » Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:07 pm

ooo Nice

Is there an example using this case? Or similar situation.


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David Parker
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Re: Simulation using a Stent

Post by David Parker » Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:52 am

I am not aware of any examples of stent simulations.


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Sara Zambon
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Re: Simulation using a Stent

Post by Sara Zambon » Wed Dec 07, 2022 4:38 am

Is it then possible to simulate within svFSI three or more components, such as a plaque within the vessel wall (or a stent), in addition to the fluid and the wall itself? I have created a preliminary mesh with three components (fluid+wall+plaque) and an input file. But before further assessments I wanted to know where the difficulties might lie.
Do face projections have to be added between the two different solids, as well as between fluid and solid domains? Even if the plaque domain doesn't directly interact with the fluid one?

Thank you really much, :D

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David Parker
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Re: Simulation using a Stent

Post by David Parker » Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:06 pm

Hi Sara,

It is possible to define multiple solid domains with different material properties in svFSI using the Domain command.

The Projection command defines interfaces between fluid and solid domains for fluid-structure interaction simulations so I think you would just need to project the stent and plaque domains onto the fluid domain.
