custom SHAKE constraints, gromacs topology

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Daniel Konstantinovsky
Posts: 77
Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:21 pm

custom SHAKE constraints, gromacs topology

Post by Daniel Konstantinovsky » Fri Jun 03, 2022 8:23 am

Hi OpenMM,

I am trying to use a gromacs-made topology to run simulations in openmm to take advantage of the faster CUDA code. My system consists of a protein, water/ions, urea, and TMAO. I need the TMAO and urea to be completely constrained bond-wise, the protein to be constrained only in the h-containing bonds, and the water to be rigid as usual. The custom constraints are in my gromacs topology in a [ constraints ] section, but I noticed that the GromacsTopFile object lacks a field for constraints, and I worry that these constraints are not being read. Is there a way to implement this combination of SHAKE constraints in OpenMM? I really want to use OpenMM because it is considerably faster than GROMACS's GPU implementation in my experience...

Thank you!

For your reference, vars(GromacsTopFile object) gives