<Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

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mehrdad roustaei
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by mehrdad roustaei » Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:07 pm

Hi Dave,

I changed the line that defined the "Temporal and spatial values file path" in line 170, but I am still getting the same error regarding the bct.vtp file not being provided. I am attaching the latest version of my inp file. Please let me know if you have any suggestions to address this.

Thank you!

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David Parker
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by David Parker » Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:35 pm

Hi Mehrdad,

Your svFSI.txt file has tabs in it.


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mehrdad roustaei
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by mehrdad roustaei » Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:36 pm

Hi Dave,

Thanks a lot, that error and some others were resolved when I deleted that tabs.

I tried running the corrected code and got the following error. It seems that there is a problem with the node index, but I am not sure whether this mismatch is between the volume and surface mesh or with the .dat files. I tried searching the error in the repository you shared and found the error in the NN.f file in the section where it is "Creating a ptr list that contains pointer to the nodes of elements that are at the face at the beginning of the list and the rest at the end". Please let me know if you have any suggestions regarding this.

Thank you.

Initializing state variables to zero
Eq. <FS>
Volume of domain <1> is 2.7554E5
Volume of domain <2> is 0.000000
WARNING: << Volume of domain 2 of equation 1 is zero >>
Eq. <MS>
Volume of domain <-1> is 2.7554E5

ERROR: could not find matching face nodes
Face Inlet e: 1 435 437 6979
Mesh lumen Ec: 16720 4882 558 8296 11237

STOP MPI is forced to stop by a fatal error

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David Parker
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by David Parker » Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:58 pm

Hi Mehrdad,

The error implies that the nodes defined in the Inlet.vtp file don't match the nodes defined in the mesh-complete.mesh.vtu file, maybe the GlobalNodeID array in Inlet.vtp is not correct.

I think the message

Code: Select all

Volume of domain <2> is 0.000000
WARNING: << Volume of domain 2 of equation 1 is zero >>
is also a bit worrying.


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mehrdad roustaei
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by mehrdad roustaei » Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:39 pm

Hi Dave,

Hope you have been doing well. I am trying to run a new simulation using the same inp file and with a slightly different inlet and mesh size. I have been getting the following error from the line where it reads the temporal and spatial wall file. I was wondering if you know how to address this error. I am attaching the first 500 lines from the temporal and spatial file along with the inp file.

DEBUG-INFO: At LINE 147, searched COMMAND <Temporal and spatial values file path> under <Add BC: Wall> :: Opened file from path </home/mehrdad/Downloads/moving boundary/Sync/Moving boundaries/svFSI_Wall.dat>
ERROR occurred, see below for more explanation
ERROR: Entry 1 not found in face General
STOP All processors are forced to stop by a fatal error

Thank you!
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David Parker
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by David Parker » Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:44 pm

Hi Mehrdad,

I looked for this error in the svFSI source and see in the READBC subroutine defined in READFILES.f

Code: Select all

            DO b=1, msh(iM)%fa(iFa)%nNo
               READ (fid,*) Ac
               IF (Ac.GT.msh(iM)%gnNo .OR. Ac.LE.0) THEN
                  err = "Entry "//b//" is out of bound in "//ctmp
               END IF
               a = ptr(Ac)
               IF (a .EQ. 0) THEN
                  err = "Entry "//b//" not found in face "//ctmp
               END IF
               DO i=1, j
                  READ (fid,*) lBc%gm%d(:,a,i)
               END DO
            END DO
It seems that node ID 355376 in the svFSI_Wall.txt file is not defined for the Wall face.


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mehrdad roustaei
Posts: 16
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by mehrdad roustaei » Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:35 pm

Thank you Dave for your kind reply. I was able to start running the simulation without any errors. However, I have noticed that the simulation has not returning any results after 2 days and seems to be stuck somewhere, I am not sure if this has something to do with the remeshing as a result of the moving boundary or something else and if this is normal. I am copying the history file and the latest lines from the terminal:

Eq N-i T dB Ri/R1 Ri/R0 R/Ri lsIt dB %t
DEBUG-INFO: Allocating intermediate variables
New time step size: 2.928E-3
DEBUG-INFO: Allocating the RHS and LHS
DEBUG-INFO: Allocating the RHS and LHS
DEBUG-INFO: Assembling equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Assembling equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Assembling equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Assembling equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Mesh 1 is assembled
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>
DEBUG-INFO: Solving equation <FS>

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David Parker
Posts: 1697
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Re: <Fourier coefficients file path> :: Command not found

Post by David Parker » Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:20 pm

Hi Mehrdad,

The histor.txt file you attached has a bunch of errors like

Code: Select all

 DEBUG-INFO: At LINE 32, searched COMMAND <Face file path> under <Add face: Outlet> :: Opened file from path </home/mehrdad/Downloads/moving boundary/Sync/1-mesh-complete/Outlet.vtp>
 <VTK XML Parser> Loading file </home/mehrdad/Downloads/moving boundary/Sync/1-mesh-complete/Outlet.vtp>
ERROR occurred, see below for more explanation
ERROR: VTP file read error (init)
It is not clear what the error might be, maybe a format problem with your VTK VTP files.

I also see

Code: Select all

 Eq. <FS>
    Volume of domain <1> is 8.9009E4
    Volume of domain <2> is 0.000000
 WARNING: << Volume of domain 2 of equation 1 is zero >>
which is probably not good.
