Adjust model markers - failing to place markers on model

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Emma Pratt
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Adjust model markers - failing to place markers on model

Post by Emma Pratt » Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:08 am


I am struggling with the Scale Tool - specifically 'Adjust Model Markers' in OpenSim 4.3.

I am using an adapted .osim model based on gait2392 and using marker data from a static standing trial, converted to .trc format (files attached -N.B. I have changed the static1.trc file extension to .txt to allow it to be attached).

I am able to attach markers to the generic model, and successfully 'Scale Model' to output the model file 'SubjectB.osim' and and the scale file 'SubjectB_scaleSet_applied.xml'. However, the process fails when I select 'Adjust Model Markers', using the same Static1.trc file in the 'Marker data for the static pose'. When I run, it states "Step 3: Placing markers on model" in the messages window and it goes no further.

I have tried many different ways around it, altering the trc file to just have the same markers in it as the generic model, changing the time period over which to average, changing location of the files used, comparing files to those available in the tutorials, optimising the locations of the markers on the generic model etc. but to no avail.

Can anyone advise what I am doing wrong? Any help would be much appreciated!


Last edited by Emma Pratt on Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Emma Pratt
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Re: Adjust model markers - failing to place markers on model

Post by Emma Pratt » Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:14 pm

Update - Seems to the the static.trc file that is the problem. I created it using MOtoNMS2.2, however comparing it to the files in the tutorial there were a couple of extra tabs. The scaling is now running the whole way through and adding the markers, now the tabs have been added in.

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Huan Zhao
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Re: Adjust model markers - failing to place markers on model

Post by Huan Zhao » Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:02 am


I have the same problem. But I can't figure out what problem the static.trc file have. Could you please illustrate it and where are the couple of extra tabs?

Thank you so much.