objective function

SCONE is a software tool for predictive simulations of biomechanical movement. It uses OpenSim for modeling and simulation, and performs optimization using various control strategies, including feed-forward control, proprioceptic feedback control, and bal
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hossein barati
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objective function

Post by hossein barati » Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:03 am

Hello everyone
i have tow main questions.
First: how can i implement these cost functions in scone specifically?
1) dividing the sum of the muscle activation squared by the horizontal distance travelled.
2) dividing head acceleration(along X and Y) by the horizontal distance travelled.
3) penalized when knee ligaments provided more than 5 N.m during the simulation time.

Second: what should i do exactly when i'm going to simulate an experimental work that has represented in a paper?(for exapmle a pathological gait)
should i prepare a data file from that experimental information and put it in the mimicmeasure? or a beter recommendation is exist?

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Thomas Geijtenbeek
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Re: objective function

Post by Thomas Geijtenbeek » Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:49 pm

For 1) you can use the EffortMeasure and for 3) you can use the DofMeasure. For 2), you can measure head acceleration with the BodyPointMeasure, but if you need to divide by distance traveled, you will have to resort to a ScriptMeasure.

See the reference manual for more info: https://scone.software/doku.php?id=doc:start

Also be sure to check out the Tutorials: https://scone.software/doku.php?id=tutorials:start