I'm wondering if anyone can help me figuring out how to change the translations and orientations of the joints' frames. I was able to get the values with the following C++ code:
Code: Select all
Model model("my_model.osim");
const JointSet& jset = model.getJointSet();
const Joint& femur_weld_r = jset.get("femur_weld_r");
const Joint& tibial_plat_weld_r = jset.get("tibial_plat_weld_r");
const PhysicalOffsetFrame& fem_offset = femur_weld_r.get_frames(1);
const PhysicalOffsetFrame& tib_offset = tibial_plat_weld_r.get_frames(1);
const SimTK::Vec<3>& fem_translation = fem_offset.get_translation();
const SimTK::Vec<3>& fem_rotation = fem_offset.get_orientation();
const SimTK::Vec<3>& tib_translation = tib_offset.get_translation();
const SimTK::Vec<3>& tib_rotation = tib_offset.get_orientation();
cout << fem_translation << endl;
cout << fem_rotation << endl;
cout << tib_translation << endl;
cout << tib_rotation << endl;;