I'm currently trying to run kinematic and kinetic analyses on data recorded with OpenCap while using the gait2392 model that is included in OpenSim.
The main reason I want to use this model is to allow kinematic analyses of frontal plane knee ROM (Varus - Valgus).
I have tinkered around with the OpenCap-core as suggested by Antoine Falisse in this post:viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=2385&t=16844&p=0&s ... 1c2b21c15f
This is what the OpenSim Pipeline of my main.py script looks like after my modifications:
I have just referred to the "gait2392_Scale_MarkerSet.xml" and "gait2392_simbody.osim" files instead of the files used in the base version.
I have pasted both these files into my opensimPipeline/Models folder.
After these adaptations to main.py, I ran the "reprocessSessions.py" script with no error, all results were successfully uploaded to S3.
My questions now are:
- 1) Did I correctly modify the main.py script to refer to my desired MS model?
2) How do I best check whether frontal plane knee ROM is now part of my kinematic results?
3) How can I also use the gait2392 model for later kinetic analyses using the "example_kinetics.py" script?
As far as I can interpret what the latter does, it seems like this script downloads the data from S3 for local analyses.
Will the kinetic analyses thus utilize the data from the gait2392 model after running "reprocessSessions.py" successfully?
I appreciate everyone's support!