I have facing issue in meshing of lumen wall from inner wall of aorta. Initially I was following the steps as discussed in Simvascular documents where the meshing procedure of wall and lumen is given using meshmixer and simvascular.
I missed this documents link, can any one please share this link where the procedure about the mishmixer processing and then meshing in simvascular for svFSI simulation is described
Thank you
Documnation about meshmixer and simvascular meshing for svFSI
- Krashn Dwivedi
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:13 pm
Re: Documnation about meshmixer and simvascular meshing for svFSI
Hi Krashn,
Is this the link you are referring to
https://simvascular.github.io/documenta ... i_fsi.html
Is this the link you are referring to
https://simvascular.github.io/documenta ... i_fsi.html