Basic parameter in simulation section

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Ranjan kumar
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Basic parameter in simulation section

Post by Ranjan kumar » Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:10 am

I just wanted to know what are function of 1)Initial pressure 2)initial velocity in Basic parameter in simulation section.We already feed volumetric flow rate in boundary condition.
In case of cylinder example tutorial problem ,when we export our simulation results in paraview, since in paraview have no naming data about inlet and outlet therefore some time problem occur which one is input/output . so what could be done to resolve this issue?
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David Parker
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Re: Basic parameter in simulation section

Post by David Parker » Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:56 am


Initial pressure and initial velocity are use to specify simulation initial conditions (See ... olver.html).

I don't know what you mean by some time problem occur which one is input/output , please clarify.


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Ranjan kumar
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Re: Basic parameter in simulation section

Post by Ranjan kumar » Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:17 am

when we export the simulation result in paraview,the naming which we give in simvascular(inlet_cap and outlet_cap) is not exported ,so it is difficult to know which one is inlet and which one is outlet.
what is output dimension of simulation result when previewed in paraview in legend (will it in SI or CGS) because There is no concept of units in VTK/ParaView. the data are displayed in the unit that the data is
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David Parker
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Re: Basic parameter in simulation section

Post by David Parker » Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:03 am

when we export the simulation result in paraview,the naming which we give in simvascular(inlet_cap and outlet_cap) is not exported ,so it is difficult to know which one is inlet and which one is outlet.

You can read in the simulation mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces VTP files to display the inflow/outflow surfaces, this is usually obvious when simulating a vasculature (e.g. you should know which is the left iliac outflow surface cap).

what is output dimension of simulation result when previewed in paraview in legend (will it in SI or CGS) because There is no concept of units in VTK/ParaView. the data are displayed in the unit that the data is

It seems that you answered your own question! Simulations don't have implicit units so the units displayed in Paraview are whatever units are implied by the data used in the simulation.
