Hardware requirements

New project for OpenCap, which is a new software package to estimate 3D human movement dynamics from smartphone videos. OpenCap strongly relies on OpenSim.
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Silvia Cabral
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Hardware requirements

Post by Silvia Cabral » Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:19 am


We are planning to purchase 2 Ipads to use with OpenCap. I know the Ipads need to be from the year 2018 up, and to my knowledge there are close to 18 possible choices. Is there any recommendation that you can give us on the minimum requirements (i.e. camera resolution, disk space, processor)?
Would you recommend any of the models over the others (air, mini, pro), to ensure a reliable and quick data collection process?
We plan to use OpenCap to analyse sports movements, such as change of direction.

Thank you!

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Matt Petrucci
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Re: Hardware requirements

Post by Matt Petrucci » Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:26 pm

Hi Silvia,

As you mentioned, as long as its 2018 and up you should be good to go. Obviously, the newer the better. If you are wanting to capture sports movement, you will want to make sure the iPad can record at 240 fps so you can collect at the highest frame rate.

The rest (disk space, camera resolution, processor) shouldn't matter too much. The speed of your data collection will be dictated more by the wifi signal strength, and processing speed will depend on how many trials are in queue in our servers.

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Silvia Cabral
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Re: Hardware requirements

Post by Silvia Cabral » Fri May 03, 2024 8:37 am

Hi Matt,

Thank you for your answer.
Just to double check, between an Iphone with a 48 MP camera and an iPad with a 12MP camera, there isn't much difference in the quality and validity of the data?

Thank you

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Antoine Falisse
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Re: Hardware requirements

Post by Antoine Falisse » Fri May 03, 2024 11:58 am

The resolution is fixed at the app level, so it should not matter. We do observe lower overall quality with older models, so I would tend not to buy the oldest ones out there.