Has anyone successfully imported data from CAPTIV software into OpenSim?

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Catarina Santos
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Has anyone successfully imported data from CAPTIV software into OpenSim?

Post by Catarina Santos » Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:50 am


I am currently collecting kinematic data on lower limbs using CAPTIV software from tea-ergo. The software outputs data in .bvh format, and I'm working on converting it to mot files. However, I'm facing challenges in locating the sensor information and subject calibration data necessary for exporting and scaling in OpenSim. Has anyone successfully imported data from CAPTIV software into OpenSim? Additionally, are there any existing scripts available that can convert the data into a format compatible with OpenSim? Any assistance or suggestions would be highly appreciated!


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zq zhong
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Re: Has anyone successfully imported data from CAPTIV software into OpenSim?

Post by zq zhong » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:57 am


I'm trying to do that, too.
Maybe you can see https://biomch-l.isbweb.org/forum/biomc ... th-opensim, but I didn't try that yet.