Import cad model

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Mruthunjay Mani
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Import cad model

Post by Mruthunjay Mani » Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:37 am

I am trying to import a model of an exoskeleton into opensim. I am not sure on how to do it exactly. Is there a detailed explanation on how to import it. Am i supposed to edit anything in the xml files or is it a straightforward import similar to CAD softwares? I saw the toy example with an ankle exoskeleton attached but was not sure how it was attached. Can anyone explain in detail? I am new to the software.


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Sanura Dunu Arachchige
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Re: Import cad model

Post by Sanura Dunu Arachchige » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:09 pm

I have the same issue. I have posted a question too. Still no answer. Seems we gotta find it ourselves. :?

I am using OpenSim Creator another software that allows you to modify OpenSim models. Try it out if you have not done it already. Also, let me whether if it is working for you properly :D

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Ayman Habib
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Re: Import cad model

Post by Ayman Habib » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:05 pm


CAD models as much as OpenSim models contain not just the geometry/meshes that you see visually, they also contain other info: Joint definitions, Constraints, possibly forces, controllers, .... As such there's no universal format to transfer arbitrary CAD models into OpenSim or into any other modeling platform as far as I can tell. Some abstractions defined in one CAD system may not be possible in another. You can import the geometry/meshes using OpenSim Creator or by editing XML files directly and attaching stl/obj/vtp files but the rest has to be reimplemented in the OpenSim format. Whether you do that by writing a script that parses the CAD model or recreating from scratch is up to you.

Hope this helps,

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Sanura Dunu Arachchige
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Re: Import cad model

Post by Sanura Dunu Arachchige » Thu May 02, 2024 7:30 pm

Hi Ayman,

Thank you very much for the reply. Sorry took a while to reply. :D . My issue with importing a CAD model is that its scale goes way off... Exoskeleton components that I try to import becomes huge compared to opensim models that I try to use. Is there any way around that?
I am thinking of crating the exoskeleton model in opensim creator not with basic shapes (would look way off compared to what's real).