Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Gao Xiaoyun
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Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by Gao Xiaoyun » Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:27 am

Hi developer :
I tried to use the SimVascular for aorta simulation by the user guides, but when get the Create the Files and Run the Simulation step,it feedbacked "Failed to Finish creating data files".Run Simulation feedback "nknown error return code","simulatin job demojob hasFailed with non-zero exit code -1073741511.
My won job and the demojob of the user guides is the same situation.
could you help giving some advice to fix this problem.
Thanks and best regards.

This below is my computer environment:
Windows 10 X64
SimVascular vision :SimVascular-Windows-2022-07\svsolver-Windows-2022-07

svSolver 2: 2022-08-19
2.13 **** Activating legacy standalone functionality
2.13 setting active flag
2.56 BlueBerry: BlueBerry Workbench ready
[ReadImageInfo] Read .svproj file.

Reading from transform file (F:/Simvascular task/SVProject/Images/sample_data-cm.transform.xml)...

1246.69 ERROR: Simulation job error = 1
1246.69 ERROR: nknown error return code
1250.96 WARNING: Simulation job 'demojob' has failed with non-zero exit code.
1250.96 WARNING: Exit code: -1073741511
1250.96 WARNING: Error:
1253.71 ERROR: Simulation job error = 1
1253.72 ERROR: nknown error return code
1335.23 WARNING: Simulation job 'demojob' has failed with non-zero exit code.
1335.23 WARNING: Exit code: -1073741511
1335.23 WARNING: Error:

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David Parker
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by David Parker » Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:03 am

Hello Gao,

I think the -1073741511 exit code means that the svpre program that is run to create the simulation files can't be found or that the svpre program can't find a library it needs to run.

Make sure that the location of the svSolver programs are set correctly in the SV / Preferences / SimVascular Simulation panel. You also need to have the Intel Fortan compiler installed.


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Gao Xiaoyun
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by Gao Xiaoyun » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:11 pm

Hello David,
thanks very much.
After I had installed the Intel Fortan compiler by your advice,I fixed the problem and I could run the simulation sucessfully.
I hope my problem will help other new users.
Best regards.


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niloofar borzooei
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by niloofar borzooei » Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:55 pm

Hi, I've been trying to run a simulation of a project I downloaded from I guess the project should have all the requirements so that I can run the simulation. However, I got the' nknown error return code'. I downloaded the Intel Fortan compiler as well but I still get the same error. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with it.

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David Parker
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by David Parker » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:32 pm


Which solver?

Which version of SV?

Which version of the solver?

Which OS?


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niloofar borzooei
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by niloofar borzooei » Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:05 pm

Hi David,

Thanks for getting back to me.

my computer environment:
Windows 10 X64
SimVascular version :SimVascular 23.03.27

svSolver 1: 2022-08-19

svSolver 1: 2022-08-19

svSolver 1: 2022-08-19

svSolver 1: 2022-08-19
17.74 **** Activating legacy standalone functionality
17.74 setting active flag
18.43 BlueBerry: BlueBerry Workbench ready

Reading from transform file (C:/Users/niloofar.borzooie/Downloads/0228_H_AO_COA/0228_H_AO_COA/Images/0228_H_AO_COA.vti.hdr)...

165.06 ERROR: Simulation job error = 1
165.06 ERROR: nknown error return code
166.35 WARNING: Simulation job 'pulsatile_defwall' has failed with non-zero exit code.
166.35 WARNING: Exit code: -1073741515
166.35 WARNING: Error:
Run job failed with: Check MPI
Run job failed with: Check MPI

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niloofar borzooei
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by niloofar borzooei » Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:32 pm

Update: I have uninstall and installed SimVascular, Svsolver, MPI and Intel Fortran. I do not get the 'check MPI' error anymore. However, I still get the following error same as before:

29.42 ERROR: Simulation job error = 1
29.42 ERROR: nknown error return code
30.81 WARNING: Simulation job 'pulsatile_defwall' has failed with non-zero exit code.
30.81 WARNING: Exit code: -1073741515
30.81 WARNING: Error:
40.80 ERROR: Simulation job error = 1
40.80 ERROR: nknown error return code
41.92 WARNING: Simulation job 'pulsatile_defwall' has failed with non-zero exit code.
41.92 WARNING: Exit code: -1073741515
41.92 WARNING: Error:

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niloofar borzooei
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by niloofar borzooei » Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:39 pm

I clicked on svpre-bin and svsolver-nompi-bin in my svSolver folder and in this way managed to get error messages to work on. My solver could not find these files:

I copied these files from the Intel\oneAPI\compiler\latest\bin folder and pasted them in the same folder as the solver application files.

Creating data files for simulation seems to work for me now!
I got a new error now when I want to run simulation:
261.25 WARNING: Simulation job 'pulsatile_defwall' has failed with non-zero exit code.
261.26 WARNING: Exit code: -3
261.26 WARNING: Error: ERROR parsing header: Unexpected end of line.
ERROR parsing header: Unexpected end of line.

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niloofar borzooei
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by niloofar borzooei » Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:06 am

I should increase the number of processes one by one and convert the result in each step in order for the simulation to be done. the simulation is done so quickly. when I convert the results I can see the simulation model but the numerical results which are in text file format do not contain any data. they are all zero. what should I do about it?

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David Parker
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Re: Create the Files and Run the Simulation failed

Post by David Parker » Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:54 pm


It is a bad idea to copy dll's around!

Try using svSolver 2019-05-28 version, users are having problems with the later versions although I can run it fine on my Windows laptop.
