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function torqueDrivenMarkerTracking()
import org.opensim.modeling.*;
% Create and name an instance of the MocoTrack tool.
track = MocoTrack();
% Construct a ModelProcessor and add it to the tool. ModelProcessors
% accept a base model and allow you to easily modify the model by appending
% ModelOperators. Operations are performed in the order that they are
% appended to the model.
% Create the base Model by passing in the model file.
modelProcessor = ModelProcessor("subject_walk_armless.osim");
% Add ground reaction external loads in lieu of a ground-contact model.
% Remove all the muscles in the model's ForceSet.
% Add CoordinateActuators to the model degrees-of-freedom. This
% ignores the pelvis coordinates which already have residual
% CoordinateActuators.
% Use this convenience function to set the MocoTrack markers reference
% directly from a TRC file. By default, the markers data is filtered at
% 6 Hz and if in millimeters, converted to meters.
% There is marker data in the 'marker_trajectories.trc' associated with
% model markers that no longer exists (i.e. markers on the arms). Set this
% flag to avoid an exception from being thrown.
% Increase the global marker tracking weight, which is the weight
% associated with the internal MocoMarkerTrackingGoal term.
% Increase the tracking weights for individual markers in the data set
% placed on bony landmarks compared to markers located on soft tissue.
markerWeights = MocoWeightSet();
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.ASIS", 20));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.ASIS", 20));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.PSIS", 20));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.PSIS", 20));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.Knee", 10));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.Ankle", 10));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.Heel", 10));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.MT5", 5));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("R.Toe", 2));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.Knee", 10));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.Ankle", 10));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.Heel", 10));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.MT5", 5));
markerWeights.cloneAndAppend(MocoWeight("L.Toe", 2));
% Initial time, final time, and mesh interval. The number of mesh points
% used to discretize the problem is computed internally using these values.
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% Add ForceReporter to the model
model = modelProcessor.process();
forceReporter = ForceReporter(model);
% Solve! Use study.solve() to skip visualizing.
study = track.initialize(); % turn MocoTrack into a MocoStudy
solution = study.solve();
% Write the solution
solution.unseal(); % need this to be able to write the solution - otherwise it says 'This trajectory is sealed, to force you to acknowledge the solver failed; call unseal() to gain access'
outputs = StdVectorString();
% '.*' outputs everything available
% e.g. '.*length' matches anything that ends with length, to output everything associated with addbrev: outputs.add('/forceset/addbrev_r.*');
% actuation is the force/torque value in N/Nm.
% speed is in rad/s for rotational coordinates
% Fill a table with the selected outputs and create STO file
outputTable = study.analyze(solution, outputs);
STOFileAdapter().write(outputTable,'forces_and_torques.sto'); % write outputs (whatever is stated above e.g. actuation)
controlsTable = solution.exportToControlsTable();
STOFileAdapter().write(controlsTable, 'controls.sto');
% Now run a forward dynamics simulation using RKM with known controls
% Reinitialize the system to account for the added ForceReporter
state = model.initSystem();
% Use a TableProcessor to set the controls during the simulation
controlSet = TableProcessor(controlsTable);
%% Does not work after this line
% Set the controls from the controls table to the model
model.setControls(state, controlSet);
% Create a Manager to run the simulation
manager = Manager(model);
% Integrate the system from initial to final time
% Get the forces table from the ForceReporter
forcesTable = forceReporter.getForcesTable();
% Write the forces and torques to an STO file
STOFileAdapter.write(forcesTable, 'internal_joint_forces.sto');
disp('Internal joint forces written to internal_joint_forces.sto')