Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Akash Gupta
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Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Post by Akash Gupta » Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:10 am

I've recently encountered a problem with launching SimVascular on Windows 10. SimVascular crashes when I tried to launch it, along with the terminal window. I've tried running the simvascular-bin.exe in the installation directory, but that throws an error saying something to the effect of:"liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found". I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling and the repair option available in the SimVascular installer. That didn't work unfortunately. Any ideas?

Thanks again for the help!

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David Parker
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Re: Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Post by David Parker » Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:40 am


The liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll library should be in the SV install directory C:Program Files/SimVascular/SimVascular/DATE/plugins.

Maybe the install got corrupted. Try reinstalling SV.


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Akash Gupta
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Re: Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Post by Akash Gupta » Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:22 am

Hey David. I did try uninstalling, reinstalling and the repair options available in the installer executable, but that didn't work.

I copied the dll file from the plugins folder to the main installation folder, and the error message changed and complained about other dll files. So I repeated the process for all the Qt, MITK dll files, until the DLL error message stopped popping up. The terminal runs till the OPENCASCADE module is loaded then crashes.

I forgot to mention in my previous post, SimVascular was running just fine a couple of days ago. It's something recent that's caused the change. Are there any files that the uninstaller may have missed?

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David Parker
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Re: Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Post by David Parker » Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:02 pm


It is a bad idea to copy dll's around, can cause problems when uninstalling software, might have libraries and such left behind.

Do you have more than one version of SV installed? Maybe something is going on with the SV entries in the Windows registry, check that that looks ok.


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Akash Gupta
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Re: Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Post by Akash Gupta » Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:16 pm

All right I understand. I'm not familiar with the Windows registry. How would I check to see if everything is OK?

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David Parker
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Re: Startup Crash: liborg_sv_gui_qt_application.dll cannot be found

Post by David Parker » Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:36 pm

I'm not sure how to use the Windows Registry but I see that is is mentioned in Stack Overflow as something that cause problems. I also think that there is a way to set environment variables like in Linux-like systems, you may also want to check that.
