Output Hunt-Crossley contact forces

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Margarida Machado
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Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:56 am

Output Hunt-Crossley contact forces

Post by Margarida Machado » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:48 am


I want to evaluate the knee contact forces using different contact force models.
Therefore, firstly I modeled the knee contact forces as elastic foundation forces.
To output these forces, I ran a force reporter, which gave me information about passive muscles forces and contact forces.
After that, I did the same using the Hunt-Crossley model.
However, at the force report, I only got the passive forces. Why this happens? Is there any other way to output the contact forces using the Hunt-Crossley force model?

Thanks for all help.

Margarida Machado

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Sina Porsa
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RE: Output Hunt-Crossley contact forces

Post by Sina Porsa » Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:42 pm

Hi Margarida,
I was trying to implement "elastic foundation model" to model the foot-ground contact. But I do not know how should I do that. Should I make some changes to my .osim file? If yes, what are those changes?
It would be great if you could help me to do that.