HuntCrossleyForce: Orientation of sphere

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Sina Porsa
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HuntCrossleyForce: Orientation of sphere

Post by Sina Porsa » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:42 pm

Hi all;

To define a HuntCrossleyForce, we have to first define a contact sphere on a body by indicating its radius, location and orientation.I was wondering what does orientation of contact sphere mean?

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Ayman Habib
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RE: HuntCrossleyForce: Orientation of sphere

Post by Ayman Habib » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:54 am

Hi Sina,

You can leave this out or set it to 0., 0., 0. (which is the default I believe). Orientation wouldn't make sense for a full contact sphere but it does for other objects (e.g. HalfSpace, or partial Spheres if we support them etc.)

Sorry about the confusion,