Hamachi to Thrace server at Cleveland Clinic

(1) To develop generic algorithms to generate computationally efficient surrogate tissue mechanics models by adaptive sampling of finite element models.

(2) To simulate human gait using a musculoskeletal dynamics model coupled to a foot model.
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Xuemei Huang
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Hamachi to Thrace server at Cleveland Clinic

Post by Xuemei Huang » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:13 am

1. download
You can download Hamachi from http://www.hamachi.cc for Windows or http://files.hamachi.cc/linux for Linux.

2. install
The installation process is quite straightforward. For Windows, double click the .exe file. For Linux, the command (make intall) works when you are the root. If you have any question about installation, please check the forum (http://forums.hamachi.cc).

3. configure
Once installation has finished, for Windows: click on the Networks button. In the menu that appears, select Join existing network. Please enter the network (MultiDomainThrace) and the password (thraceclevelandclinic). The next step is to select Join. Please see the guide, http://www.hamachi.cc/help/logmein_hama ... _guide.pdf.
For Linux user, check the readme file in the download package for installation and operation.
Then you get the virtual IP address of the thrace server (such as

4. connect
Type the IP address in your Internet browser, such as

You get it!

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Xuemei Huang
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RE: Hamachi to Thrace server at Cleveland Clinic

Post by Xuemei Huang » Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:48 am

Due to the failure to login, Thrace got the new installation finally. Please use the new virtual IP address, to access the server.

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Jeff Weiss
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RE: Hamachi to Thrace server at Cleveland Clinic

Post by Jeff Weiss » Fri May 25, 2007 7:36 am

The address is not working for me. I am signed in to the MultiDomainThrace network through hamachi, but internet explorer just says "cannot display the webpage".

Is thrace/hamachi working for off-site locations yet?