I want to run the Inverse Kinematics for the gait2354.osim model and I have 3 trials. according to the users guide, the following code should run this the IK tool for all trials. But when I load this xml file in the setting panel, it does nothing. How can I run several trials in at once for a model?
Best Regards, Hassan
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<OpenSimDocument Version="20302">
<InverseKinemtaticsTool name="subject01">
<IKTaskSet file="gait2354_IK_Tasks.xml" />
<IKTrialSet name="">
<IKTrial name="first trial">
<marker_file> subject01_walk1.trc </marker_file>
<coordinate_file> subject01_walk1.mot </coordinate_file>
<time_range> 0.4 2.0 </time_range>
<output_motion_file> subject01_walk1_ik.mot</output_motion_file>
<IKTrial name="first trial">
<marker_file> subject01_walk2.trc </marker_file>
<coordinate_file> subject01_walk2.mot </coordinate_file>
<time_range> 0.4 2.0 </time_range>
<output_motion_file> subject01_walk2_ik.mot</output_motion_file>
<IKTrial name="first trial">
<marker_file> subject01_walk3.trc </marker_file>
<coordinate_file> subject01_walk3.mot </coordinate_file>
<time_range> 0.4 2.0 </time_range>
<output_motion_file> subject01_walk3_ik.mot</output_motion_file>