joint reaction tool

Provide easy-to-use, extensible software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system.
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Uwe Mittag
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:09 am

joint reaction tool

Post by Uwe Mittag » Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:36 am

Can you please help a beginner: Is there any example showing the usage of the joint reaction tool? How to specify the settings properly? Isn't it possible to do a joint reaction analysis on the base of inverse dynamics results e.g of your standard gait model?
My first trial crashed the entire Opensim.

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Michala Cadova
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:45 am

Re: joint reaction tool

Post by Michala Cadova » Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:30 am

Maybe you can find interesting teh webinar from last year (Estimating Joint Loads in OpenSim) ... in-OpenSim