*.trc files

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Thomas Kernozek
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*.trc files

Post by Thomas Kernozek » Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:38 pm

I think a flow sheet would be helpful for motion capture users and what fields in the software to make this software work.

We attempted to take you full body example *.trc files and replace it with our data with no success. I am at a loss of what to try next.

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Ajay Seth
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RE: *.trc files

Post by Ajay Seth » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:21 am

Apologies for the delay.

A flow sheet is a very good idea.

At what stage are things breaking down- scale, inverse kinematics? If in IK, we have a known bug in 1.0 that the IK Anaylsis Tool is not correctly writing out the setup file (missing an importnat tag) when it is created new in the GUI. The work around is to load an existing _Setup_IK.xml file, change it to match your model/data and then save it. Please let us know if this is the case. Thank you for your patience.

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Thomas Kernozek
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RE: *.trc files

Post by Thomas Kernozek » Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:50 pm

We have scaled data and can now run through the IK tool. Something is incorrect now with our forces and matching of these forces to calculate inverse dynamics. We have developed some matlab code to generate a similar *.mot file that contains our ground reaction forces. However our moments are quite different than published data.

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Thomas Kernozek
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RE: *.trc files

Post by Thomas Kernozek » Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:42 pm

Can I send you a *.mot file for inspection? The GRF in the animation seems to look ok. However, the moments for walking do not compare to the literature.

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Ajay Seth
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RE: *.trc files

Post by Ajay Seth » Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:52 pm

If the forces look good (i.e. applied at the correct location and in the correct direction), then we would not suspect the motion file to be the problem. Under the external loads tab, for the inverse dynamics tool, double check that the forces are in fact being applied to the corresponding calcaneous body. Hope that helps.