enlarging the time nterval

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dana damian
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enlarging the time nterval

Post by dana damian » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:46 am

Hello everybody,

I believe I mentioned this problem within a previous email, and then I read Dan's simulation had much the same symptoms: I enlarged the time interval of simulation to 30 seconds the maximum boundary and I got this:
1. It didn't enlarge it with this value, but with 14 (maybe some kind of default)
2. I was running through the "OpenSim_Generating_Muscle...", when the application closed suddenly just at the time I reached the Forward Dynamics stage.

Is there an explanation for this?

Thank you!

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Ayman Habib
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RE: enlarging the time interval

Post by Ayman Habib » Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:47 am

Dear Dana,

Can you please clarify the context: what model, data files you're trying to use?
The Tutorial assumes some model and data files that we distribute. The data files have actual motion data from 0. to 4. secs. I'm not sure what are the 14 and 30 secs you're referring to but if you're doing tracking you must have all the data to track including ground reaction forces if needed..

I'd appreciate if you file a bug about the crash (using the Help/report-bug feature) and upload your model/data-files/setup-files if different from the ones we distribute and we'll investigate it.


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dana damian
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:17 am

RE: enlarging the time interval

Post by dana damian » Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:53 am

Hi, Ayman.

You are right. There is no bug in the application in this concern, it was my faulty usage.
I was working with the Gait2354_Symbody, and as you figured out, the bug I had is due to the fact that I used incomplete data files. I used the predefined data file with time spanning from 0 to 4 sec for a longer period - so it's clear that my application was to fail with missing data for the rest of the interval.
Thank you,