You are right, my model had locked joints (mtp). Replacing them with weld joint by ModelFactory::replaceJointWithWeldJoint fixed the issue, as you suggested. Now I'm getting reasonable joint reaction (I think) without any error related to DeGrooteFregly2016Muscle.
Thanks a lot for your help.
StdVectorString doesn't have add method in Python, and append method doesn't work as expected (analyze() cannot realize StdVectorString collated by append).Try .add() if .append() didn't work.
Currently, push_back('.*reaction_on_child') is the only way that works.
The formulations of activation dynamics in OpenSim (first-order) and De Groote et al. (2016) are different. Do you have any suggestion how I can handle that?note that activations are states, not controls. Muscle excitations are controls.
Since I'm only interested in joint contact forces here, can I disable muscles activation dynamics? Then the muscle excitation would be identical to muscle activation I think.
Thanks for your help.