Difficulty setting-up virtual environment for the "NeurIPS 2019- learn to move" project

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Cai Birch
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Difficulty setting-up virtual environment for the "NeurIPS 2019- learn to move" project

Post by Cai Birch » Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:28 am

I'm wondering if anyone else has had any difficulties or could offer som assistance with setting up the virtual environment for the NeurIPS 2019 - Learning to Walk project? (http://osim-rl.stanford.edu/docs/home/). I've followed the instructions on the website and have gone through multiple installations of Anaconda 3.7 but to no avail.

I've tried following the following troubleshooting instructions (viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=9176&p=0&start=0&view=) but with no success; When I run "where.exe OpenSim" and "where.exe python3.5.dll". I am receiving the error: INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).

Also, I thought that OpenSim could only interact with Python2? Yet it seems that the neurIPS community prefer using the more current version of Python3.


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Thomas Uchida
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Re: Difficulty setting-up virtual environment for the "NeurIPS 2019- learn to move" project

Post by Thomas Uchida » Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:13 am

I thought that OpenSim could only interact with Python2? Yet it seems that the neurIPS community prefer using the more current version of Python3.
There is some information on the "Scripting in Python" page in the Confluence documentation (https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8 ... +in+Python): "The Python package that comes with the OpenSim GUI distribution will only work with Python 2.7.x. For Python 3, you must build the OpenSim API (opensim-core) from scratch and set the CMake variable OPENSIM_PYTHON_VERSION to 3." Instructions for building from source can be found here: https://github.com/opensim-org/opensim- ... ource-code.