Finding Scale Factors

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Elsa Hernandez
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:53 am

Finding Scale Factors

Post by Elsa Hernandez » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:58 pm


I'm a student learning OpenSim to use in my MSc project. I have some issue with my project scaling process:
I wanna run IK tool using motion data which shared by community (eg. Knee Grand Challenge, etc) but before that I need to scale gait2392 model to my patient whom I don't have MOCAP data of, but I do have CT Image of her femur.

1. If I don't have MOCAP data to run Scale tool, while I have partial imaging data (one third of Femur CT i.e femur head and a part of shaft) how can I scale gait2392 model?
2. Assuming the whole femur CT/MR image is available, how scaling can be done?
3. I have read the scale tool documentation, what are other algorithms/methods to find scale factors?

Comparing landmarks distances of OpenSim model to the subject CT image is not a fine way cause OpenSim .vtp files visualized in GUI are just for visualization purpose and no more, according to this conversation:

viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=11489&p=32109 ... af00fd8ea1

thanks for your guidance,
