Failed Static Optimisation-acceleration constraint violation

A shoulder model with an accurate scapulothoracic joint and includes scapular muscles to drive its motion. The model can be used to compute the work done by the thoracoscapular muscles during shrugging and any arm elevation task.
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Hazimah Mahmud
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:16 am

Failed Static Optimisation-acceleration constraint violation

Post by Hazimah Mahmud » Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:24 am


I am using the Thoracoscapular Model to compute the muscle forces and joint reaction forces. Using the given IK results and reserve actuator file, I can run the CMC without any issue. However, using the same IK results and RA file, I have failures when running static optimisation, where acceleration constraint at the thorax was violated at all time steps. I don't see why the same setup file would work on CMC but not on SO. I hope you can help me with this issue.
