Geometry Issues while Scaling

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Paul Klarich
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Geometry Issues while Scaling

Post by Paul Klarich » Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:59 am


I am having some issues with the geometries of a model when that model is scaled. I do not get any errors in the scripting/message window but the scale model does not generate properly. I have attached pictures below.The model is the MoBL_ARMS_module2_4_allmuscles model and I am using experimental marker data to scaled. The markers seem to scale properly, but not the geometries.

Some other notes:

1.) I am offsetting the model before scaling because it isn't properly set to match my experimental data, the model generates being centered in the y plane about the "floor" or 0.

2.) The offset could be causing the issue, but I have encountered a similar problem when running IK using experimental data with this model. I can't get a clean result and if I can find a way to offset the model I think it might help.

3.) I have changed my geometry path in the GUI to my local geometry folder per this thread viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=11542&p=32299&start=0&view=

Any information on the matter would be great!
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Ayman Habib
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Re: Geometry Issues while Scaling

Post by Ayman Habib » Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:59 pm


The offset has nothing to do with the problem, it likely has to do with the model having custom Geometry folder that the scaled model doesn't know about simply because it hasn't been saved yet. If you save the model in the same folder as the original model then reload it, the problem will likely go away. A fix will be available in the next release.


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Paul Klarich
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Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:16 am

Re: Geometry Issues while Scaling

Post by Paul Klarich » Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:33 pm

I saved the scaled model to the same location as the original model. When I loaded the scaled model, the geometries appear correct, but the new marker locations were disoriented.
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