Error using IDAnalysis

In this project, we developed a MATLAB-based framework for OpenSim to calculate muscle activations and forces that also satisfy mechanical stability requirements.
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Mojtaba Safari
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Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:11 am

Error using IDAnalysis

Post by Mojtaba Safari » Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:21 pm

Hello Mr. Akhavanfar,

I studied your research about Development of a novel MATLAB-based framework for... and I would like to use your MATLAB code in my project
but when I run your code with your default setting I get the following error :

Error using IDAnalysis (line 28)
Java exception occurred: InverseDynamicsTool Failed, please see messages window for details...

at org.opensim.modeling.opensimModelJNI.InverseDynamicsTool_run(Native Method)


Error in Main (line 74)
ID= IDAnalysis(ModelFilePath,ModelFileName,AnalyzeFilePath,AnalyzeFileName,MotionFilePath,MotionFileName,initial_time,final_time,extLoadsXml);

I have successfully configured OpenSim with Matlab such as Environment setting in Windows and path setting in Matlab so I don't know what is wrong

if possible please guide me
Thank in advance

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Mohammadhossein Akhavanfar
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Re: Error using IDAnalysis

Post by Mohammadhossein Akhavanfar » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:55 am

Hello Mojtaba,

It's probably because you didn't change the directory path in the xml file setup or you put a wrong directory in the first lines of the main file.

Please open External_Load.xml. Then, in the <datafile> section, copy and paste the right directory in your computer. Attached is the pic of that section based on where I saved the folder in my laptop.
External_Load.PNG (12.95 KiB) Viewed 147 times