Having trouble downloading/installing software

Simbody is useful for internal coordinate and coarse grained molecule modeling, large scale mechanical models like skeletons, and anything else that can be modeled as bodies interconnected by joints, acted upon by forces, and restricted by constraints.
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Josiah Thompson
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Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:53 am

Having trouble downloading/installing software

Post by Josiah Thompson » Sun Dec 19, 2021 3:12 pm

Hi all,

I have been very curious about simbody/opensim for a while now and finally found time to try and use it. While I'm not super savvy with computer software and coding, I am still competent enough to navigate technology. I attempted to download and install all necessary applications and files last week by following instructions on both Github and the published pdf by M. Sherman. When I arrived at the Cmake section of the installation, I received many errors and could not figure out how to fix these so I continued to Microsoft visual studio but was unsuccessful as I received more errors after attempting to build the simbody software. I took my losses and uninstalled everything I just downloaded in hopes to retry setting it up because I thought I may have missed a step or not have followed instructions thoroughly. Fast forward to this week, I tried giving it another try. After multiple attempts, I was unsuccessful. By the last few attempts, I couldn't even get past Cmake as I was met with the error "/Downloads/Simbody/Build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log" I'm not sure where to go from here. I just uninstalled all downloads and files again but I can't figure it out. I was looking for discord servers to forums to get some help with installation, so if anyone is willing to help me with the install or knows of any good resources that will help out, I would greatly appreciate it! Again, I have tried following Github resources and standfords pdf "How to Build Simbody From Source" and "How to Build Simbody 2.1 From Source"

Thank you in advance!

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Josiah Thompson
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Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:53 am

Re: Having trouble downloading/installing software

Post by Josiah Thompson » Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:59 pm

Ok, I've made it past Cmake with seemingly no issues. When I open Simbody.sln in visual studio and run the ALLBUILD, RUNTESTS, and INSTALL I am getting almost exclusively error codes. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? I've got to be doing something wrong...

For reference, I have downloaded Cmake 3.21.4 x86_64 - Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) 17.0.4 - CollabNetSubVersion 1.12.2 x64 - Doxygen 1.9.2 - Simbody 3.7
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