Effect of initial yaw difference in IMU Inverse Kinematics

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Shayan Taheri
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Effect of initial yaw difference in IMU Inverse Kinematics

Post by Shayan Taheri » Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:56 am

Hey everyone,

I'm using the IMU Inverse Kinematics tool with XSens sensors. Sometimes, when I put all the sensors on a table at the same orientation and check their orientations on MT Manager, I see an odd yaw difference between some of the sensors, even as high as 20 degrees. On these occasions when I install the sensors on body segments and perform an experiment, the Inverse Kinematic output is expectedly rubbish (odd movements). Is there a way to somehow address this issue?

Thank you in advance.



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Ayman Habib
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Re: Effect of initial yaw difference in IMU Inverse Kinematics

Post by Ayman Habib » Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:05 am


This seems like a question better directed to XSens who maybe able to suggest how to reset the orientations before placing the sensors on the subject. It would be great if you can report back here what you find out to help the community or if others who have had success doing the same can post solutions/workarounds here.

Best regards,