Shoulder Abduction

This generic rigid-body upper-limb musculoskeletal model may be employed to estimate the forces in the shoulder muscles given pre-defined upper limb motion and external forces.

The muscle-tendon paths have been optimised to data derived from one compr
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Yashvitha Thatigotla
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue May 24, 2022 9:00 am

Shoulder Abduction

Post by Yashvitha Thatigotla » Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:37 pm


I am trying to create a shoulder abduction model in opensim(similar to this model) with data that I have collected. However, after all the calibration and conversion into a .mot file, the .mot file's data isn't correct. Instead of the data values changing by a constant value(abduction.mot), the data jumps around a lot and I'm not sure why. Is there anything that I can do to correct this? Could the problem lie with the original data that I collected?
